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To get started with creating a new project using the 'create-next-boost' command, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Run the following command to create a new Next.js project using the template:

    npx create-next-boost [project-name]
    npx create-next-boost [project-name]
    • Replace [project-name] with the name you want to give to your project. If you omit the project name, the command will use a default name or you can add ./ to make it in same directory.

Follow the prompts and instructions provided by the 'create-next-boost' tool to set up your project.

Once the project is created and configured, navigate to the project directory using the terminal:

cd [project-name]
cd [project-name]

You can now start developing your Next.js application!

Remember to replace [project-name] in the instructions with the actual name you want to give to your project.